Justin’s Favorite Peach Cobbler


What’s better than fresh, juicy peaches on a summer day? Sweet, crumbly, fresh, peach cobbler, that’s what! Seasonal southern peaches, paired with crunchy crumbles, aside a perfect scoop of vanilla ice cream? Need I say more?

The title of this recipe does make me laugh, however. Justin isn’t a huge peach guy. I initially made this cobbler for myself, because I love peach everything. Having the sweet tooth that he does, he helped himself, and openly admitted this is one of his favorite desserts!

You can use any fresh fruit with this recipe, it doesn’t have to be peaches, I’ve also used blackberries. Although, I highly recommend taking advantage of seasonal fruits while you can! The best part about this recipe, is that you more than likely already have the ingredients at home.


If you’re new to Junk In Love, welcome, if you’re returning, you already know by now, I’m obsessed with Trader Joe’s. To make this peach cobbler, I scooped up a tray of peaches from Trader Joe’s, but you can also grab  them in larger quantities at Costco or Sam’s Club, etc.

The best way to tell if a peach is ripe, and sweet is if it is fragrant. I recommend using semi firm fruit for cobbler, as it only softens once it is in the oven. Too ripe, and you can end up with an apple sauce like consistency. 

This recipe is super easy, and definitely something kiddos would enjoy making with a little help and supervision. 


To begin, preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Next, take 6 large peaches, washed, peeled, pitted, and sliced, and set aside. You can slice the peaches however you’d like, I personally like traditional slices. From here, you’ll go ahead and transfer the sliced peaches directly into a generously butter coated pan. As pictured, I like to use Le Cruset cookware for cobblers, because of their beautiful color.  

Then, in the same pan, add the granulated sugar, and mix. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but you should start to see a glaze/gel like consistency  form. See photo for reference.


If you have a kitchen or hand mixer, it is in your best interest to utilize them for this next step, the crumbly goodness that we’re about to sprinkle on top. For Kitchen Aid mixers, I am using the flat beater attachment.

Combine melted butter, flour, granulated sugar, vanilla, baking powder, and a pinch of salt in the mixer bowl, and mix on a low yet substantial speed. On Kitchen Aid mixers, I tend to eyeball it between the mix setting and 2. Continue mixing until a crumbly dough forms. 

Next, top the peaches with the crumble mixture by the spoonful, generously coating the pan. This step does not need to be pretty or perfect, either. You can always go over with a spoon to move things around, if necessary. 

Finally, set a timer for 25 minutes, and place your cobbler, uncovered on the middle rack of your oven. Keep an eye on it with the oven light, but be sure not to open the oven door too early. 

Additionally, this step is optional, but, necessary if you like a little crunch. When your timer goes off, switch your oven setting to broil. Sprinkle the top of your cobbler with cane sugar or a corse sugar (not granulated), and pop back in the oven for 10 min AT MOST! Definitely keep an eye on the cobbler for this step, all ovens are different. If you see your edges starting to get a little too golden, go ahead an pull the cobbler out of the oven and let it sit. The internal heat will continue to cook things a bit.

Yep, that’s it! It really is that simple to make, and absolutely delicious served warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. You can put left overs directly in the fridge for a few days.

I hope y’all try this one, it’s without a doubt a favorite in our house. Remember to tag @Junk.In.Love on instagram, we can’t wait to see how your cobblers turn out!



6 large semi firm peaches sliced and peeled
1/4 cup granulated sugar
Butter to grease pan


1 Stick of butter (melted)
1 cup all purpose flour
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 tsp. Baking powder
1/4 tsp. Salt 
Course cane sugar to top
