Pandemic Travel Essentials

Photo Oct 08, 7 36 44 PM.png

It’s safe to say, we’re all having a pretty crazy year, right? I’m right there with you, counting down the days until 2021! Until then, I’ve put together a list of some of my travel essentials amidst this pandemic, because the cabin fever is REAL.

Whether you’re traveling for work, or just taking a little road trip to get away, the following tips  and tricks have helped me feel safe, and confident while navigating such uncertain times. It is so important to keep celebrating life’s milestones! Justin and I are celebrating our Anniversary with our family with a little beach trip.

Whenever I travel, I always pack a little “Just in case” bag. This consists of a daytime and night time dose of cold medicine, eyedrops, Benadryl, Tums, Tylenol, a couple bandaids, an Emergen-C packet, safety pins, Moroccan Oil, and zinc cough drops. Call me crazy, but my “Just In Case” bag has come in very handy on multiple trips, not only for myself, but for friends and family too.

Just in Case bag.jpg

 Only now, can my sister-in-law and I look back on a family wedding a few years ago. She and I were heading downstairs for the rehearsal dinner, and the strap on her jumpsuit came unstitched. Low and behold, the handy “Just In Case” bag, I was able to safety pin the strap, and we were good to go! I can’t tell you guys enough how great it is to be prepared!

You don’t need a gigantic first aid kit! Typically, I put a couple of  each product in a ziplock baggie and add that to a small cosmetic bag. This will end up in my carry on for the flight, if I’m flying, or car bag, if I am driving. 

 Lysol and Clorox wipes are still pretty hard to find at the moment, so in the event I can’t get ahold of them, I lean toward baby wipes and spray hand sanitizer to wipe everything down when I get to my seat on the plane. Trader Joe’s has a spray sanitizer, and they’ve been great about keeping it in stock. I also love the grapefruit scent!

You may be wondering why I included ginger and peppermints in my essentials. As someone who often experiences anxiety, peppermint and ginger are both natural remedies for nausea and upset stomach. If you’ve ever heard someone suggest you take an exam with a mint in your mouth, this is because peppermint is proven to sharpen your focus, and calm your nerves!  

Not all mints are created equal! I swear by the MYNTZ sold at Trader Joe’s. They are SO strong, which is probably why I love them so much. 

As far as candied ginger goes, I’ve yet to find it with the same texture as I do at Trader Joe’s. This one is by far my favorite. If you like ginger, I highly recommend trying these!

 Next on my list, a small vial of Moroccan Oil. I pack this because it checks a lot of boxes for me. If the ends of my hair are a little dry, my knees, elbows, etc. The scent is absolutely delightful, and lingers all day, without being overpowering. So, you’re getting a little bit of fragrance, and the moisture you need  for you hair, skin, or nails at the same time. Win!

Last, but not least, I pack multiple masks with Stridex pads, and a few pair of gloves. I try to bring both cloth and surgical disposable masks, because some tend to be more breathable than others. Depending on the weather, I pick and choose accordingly. The Stridex pads have been an absolute must for Justin, and I to avoid “maskne.” I just throw the container in my purse, and when it’s time to remove our masks, we do a quick swipe, and done! To be honest, we don’t wear gloves often, usually just to pump gas, because the pumps are germy to begin with. However, it’s always good to be prepared! 


  • Alka Seltzer day/night cold and flu gels 

    1. ColdEeze zinc cough drops

    2. Stridex pads

    3. Spray hand sanitizer

    4. Baby wipes

    5. Cloth and disposable masks

    6. Disposable gloves

    7. Emergen-C packets

    8. Tylenol

    9. Benadryl

    10. Eye drops

    11. Travel size deodorant

    12. Bandaids

    13. Black and white safety pins

    14. Candied ginger

    15. Strong peppermints

    16. Moroccan Oil

    17. Tums