THE BEST Oven Roasted Artichokes

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Currently, I am trying to contain my excitement. This is my all time favorite appetizer, and whether you like artichokes or not, you need to try it, trust me. Perfectly seasoned, garlicky, lemony, artichokes…heaven! 

Like most of my recipes, this one begins at Trader Joe’s. Although, you can get artichokes at most grocery stores, I prefer the size of the globe artichokes sold at TJ’s. They come in a pack of 4, and they’re perfect for this appetizer. While you’re there, pick up the mushroom umami seasoning, it is to die for!

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Cutting board

    1. Spoon or melon baller

    2. Parchment paper

    3. Paring knife 

    4. Kitchen shears 

    5. Spatula

    6. Baking sheet

    7. 1 ramekin 

    8. Basil

    9. Oregano

    10. Parsley

    11. Salt and pepper

    12. Trader Joe’s mushroom umami seasoning

    13. Extra virgin olive oil

    14. 2 tbsp salted butter

    15. Finely shaved parmesan cheese

    16. 2 large garlic cloves

    17. 1 fresh lemon

    18. 3 globe artichokes

      This recipe is so easy, and delicious, you’ll crave these little ‘chokes often, consider this a warning! All of my kitchen tools and gadgets are linked on my shop page, and LikeToKnowIt!


Step 1:

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Wash your artichokes, and trim the stems. Pluck the small leaves toward the top of the artichoke that poke out, and use the kitchen shears to trim off the thorns from the leaves. You can then use the paring knife to simply slice the pointed end of the artichoke to really clean them up. Making them pretty is optional, but highly recommended!


Step 2:

Cut your artichokes in half, and use your melon baller or spoon to scoop out the choke. This is the white fluffy looking center. It is NOT edible, it is called a choke for a reason! Thinly slice your lemon, and remove any seeds. Set aside.

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Step 3:

Cover each artichoke half with a lemon slice while you work, to prevent browning! Roughly chop your garlic, and grab your herbs, seasoning, and olive oil. You do not need to use fresh herbs, I used dried this time around. Remove your lemon slices, and give each artichoke a drizzle of olive oil, and spoon in the fresh garlic. They do not need to be full to the brim! Next, season with your heart, a dash of basil, oregano, parsley, salt and pepper, and the mushroom umami seasoning.


Step 4:

Line your baking sheet with parchment paper, and give it a drizzle of EVOO (extra virgin olive oil). Once you’ve stuffed and seasoned your artichokes, place the lemon slices back on top, and flip it face down onto the baking sheet. Another drizzle of olive oil on top of the artichokes, you can rub this in with your hands a bit, to prevent the leaves from shriveling or burning in the oven. Salt and pepper to taste. Pop those babies in the oven for 25 min. On 400 degrees. Prepare for your house to smell incredible!

Step 5:

Once your ‘chokes are out of the oven, use your spatula to flip them over, keeping the lemon on top. Add the butter to your ramekin, and a dash of parmesan cheese, salt and pepper, and the same herbs and seasonings you used on the artichokes. Remember, measure with your heart here. Gently set the lemon slices to the side, on the parchment paper. DO NOT STACK THEM! Scoop the garlic from your artichokes into the ramekin, and microwave for 30 seconds. This garlic butter is addicting, by the way. Place your lemon slices back on top, and serve! YUM!

I seriously can’t wait for y’all to try this recipe and let me know what you think! It is one of my favorites, and is always a hit when hosting. You can always pin the recipe to Pinterest to make it later!